Home Vídeos SUV vs Sedan CRASH TEST | Sorento & Forte

SUV vs Sedan CRASH TEST | Sorento & Forte


SUV vs Sedan CRASH TEST | Sorento & Forte. This crash test conducted in 2018 illustrates the impact of vehicle size and weight on the outcome of a multi-vehicle collision. The test involved a 2016 Kia Sorento and a 2018 Kia Forte traveling towards each other at a speed of 40 mph, with 50 percent of the Forte’s width overlapping the Sorento. While the Forte’s structure, weighing 928 pounds less than the Sorento, did not withstand the impact with the larger vehicle as well as it did in the car-to-barrier tests used for IIHS ratings, it still received an acceptable structural rating in the crash, with a maximum intrusion of 8 inches at the left toepan. On the other hand, the Forte received good structural ratings in the moderate overlap and driver-side small overlap front crash tests.

The forces exerted on the driver dummy in the Forte were significantly higher than those experienced by the driver in the Sorento. Measurements indicated a high probability of head injuries for the Forte’s driver in a real-world crash of the same severity. Additionally, leg injuries would likely occur, particularly to the right leg, while neck and chest injuries, as well as injuries to the left leg, were also possible. Conversely, the Sorento exhibited mostly favorable injury measures, except for the potential of a right leg injury.

Source : IIHS

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